Getting Involved With The Club
This is the site of the University of Alberta Problem Solving and Programming Club (UAPSPC). We are a small group of passionate competitive programmers located in Edmonton, Alberta. We meet weekly and anyone is welcome to attend!
Getting involved »What is Competitive Programming?
Competitive Programming is the act of writing efficient programs to solve well-defined problems. Solving these logical puzzles requires strong problem-solving skills, creativity, algorithmic thinking, and knowledge of programming languages. Often, these problems have strict time and space requirements, so highly efficient algorithms and paradigms must be implemented to solve them.
Participants may compete (both individually and in teams) in numerous international competitions, including the ICPC Regionals and even the ICPC World Finals. Club members may also participate in the Google Kick Start and Code Jam, the Alberta Collegiate Programming Contest, the University of Alberta Programming Contest, and more.
What do we do?
The University of Alberta Programming Club is a group of passionate students and faculty who solve programming problems in a competitive setting. We compete throughout the year, often in teams of three club members who collaborate to solve as many programming problems as possible in a limited-time setting. We meet weekly to discuss intriguing programming problems and their solutions, which often involve algorithms not normally taught during a standard undergraduate curriculum. We discuss these algorithms as a group, often providing detailed explanations and showing sample code. Anyone is welcome to attend!